Upload an attachment

Upload attachments with your messages

Users are also able to upload attachments - like documents, PDFs, images, or videos - to supplement the text content. Attachments can only be uploaded as a part of the message. A separate Attachments tab is available which contains a list of all attachments in the project. Attachments are listed in a tile view with the most recent one appearing at the front. 

Fig: Attachment icon in the rich text editor

To upload an attachment, 

  1. Click on the attachment icon in the menu bar of the text editor (see above). 
  2. This opens the file manager so you can point to a file you wish to upload. You can only attach a single file at a time.
  3. Once you have selected all the necessary attachments, simply hit submit to post your message and upload the attachments. 


Fig: Attaching files with a message

To remove an attachment from a message, simply click on the “X” icon to the top right which will remove the attachment from the message. 


Q: How do attachments appear in the email notification?
A: Any attachment posted with a message will be included in the email notification. Most email clients show the attachment at the footer of the email body.

Q: Can I delete an attachment once it’s uploaded?

A: Unfortunately attachments cannot be deleted from the UI once uploaded. However, if you have accidentally uploaded an attachment, you can always talk to your Grepsr representative to have the attachment removed from the project. 

Q: Is there any size, format or number restrictions for attachments?

A: There is no hard limit to how many attachments you can upload with a single message. Each attachment however can be no greater than 10 MB. Also, the total size of attachments cannot exceed 100 MB.

You can upload all file types as an attachment as there are no restrictions.

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